Friday, July 23, 2010

Chocolate fondue

I love to catch up with my girlfriends. On an evening we might have cheese and biscuits or more often chocolate fondue. Everyone brings something to dip, and I fire up the fondue pots.

Tonight we had a very fruity array of dipping foods, including mandarins, bananas, rockmelon, watermelon and oranges. NM made orange cardamon biscuits and homemade marshmallows. It was a treat!

We started off with dark chocolate, and finished with milk chocolate. I think that the dark chocolate is more appreciated so I will try to remember that for next time. I bought Fair Trade chocolate for us today. Usually I just pull out whatever is in my pantry but I thought today I would buy something special.

It is always great to catch up and hopefully we will be able to do something again shortly.

1 comment:

Have a cuppa with me!