Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I think I might be crazy!

I just signed up for the City to Surf for the 12km run. I have never run that far before! The most that I have managed is 10km when I was training for my Laos trip and that was all flat.

I had to predict my time and I ticked the "70 minutes or longer" box. I cannot imagine doing it any quicker.

My work offers a 10 week training session every Tuesday. It will bring my exercising up to four times a week - playing hockey + training, personal training and the running session. I will try and bulk it out with riding to work and motivate myself to either do a long ride or run every Sunday.

I have been putting off buying new shorts for exercising in as well as new running shoes, but I think they will be on my list of things to buy in the next month or two. I am arranging for shower access at work and have myself a locker so I have no excuses now for not riding to work.

Oh well, I need something to strive for. In 2007 I rode 420km in six days in one of the hilliest countries in Asia, in 2008 and 2009 I did the BRW corporate triathlon (400m swim, 10km ride, 4km run) so this is the challenge for 2010!

Image of random corporate team here

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